• RestEZ™ Relaxation Herbal Supplement—60 capsules
  • Size: 60 capsules Product No. 3055
    • Helps reestablish a natural sleep pattern*
    • Proprietary blend of natural, relaxing extracts
    • Gentle formula won’t leave you feeling groggy

RestEZ™ Relaxation Herbal Supplement—60 capsules


What Makes It Different?
RestEZ is a proprietary blend of natural, relaxing extracts—including valerian, passionflower and hops—to help make stresses of the day melt away while promoting deeper rest.*

  • Valerian—root used since the Middle Ages as a soothing agent for occasional sleeplessness and is widely used today as a safe, scientifically proven sleep-inducing aid in Europe, studies have shown its effectiveness in helping attain restful sleep*
  • 缬草根 - 主要作用舒缓精神,有助于促进睡眠
  • Passionflower—perennial vine known to help relieve edginess and nervous tension*
  • 西番莲 - 帮助舒缓急躁情绪、安抚紧张不安
  • Hops—yellow scales of this cone are known to have a calming effect; pillows stuffed with hops have been used for centuries to promote sleep*
  • 蛇麻草 - 具有镇定作用,帮助入睡

Why Is That Important?
The unique natural blend of RestEZ won’t knock you out or leave you feeling groggy or drowsy the next morning. The non-habit-forming extracts are known to promote a good night’s sleep. Let RestEZ help you get the sleep you need at night so you can tackle all that life hands you during the day. RestEZ tonight—for a better day tomorrow. *

It Works Because…
RestEZ uses a blend of natural ingredients to help gently regulate your sleeping patterns. Since everyone’s sleep patterns are different, RestEZ will gradually affect your sleep over time—typically after two to three weeks of continuous use.*


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.







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